Real Estate Video Marketing Tips

It’s no secret that the popularity of video on the internet is increasing. If you’ve looked at Facebook anytime in the last year you would notice that the news feed is dominated with video.

The reason behind this is simple.

People want to watch video and many prefer watching video over reading text.

Video is a great way to drive your brand awareness in the marketplace and generate interaction from your ideal clients.

When I say video I’m not just talking about property videos and market updates. While these types of videos are great there are a ton of other options you have to create exciting and engaging videos that will bring exposure for your brand as an agent.

In this article we will break down the best ways to use video in your marketing.

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Real Estate Marketing

I give a lot of advice on this blog but todays article is going to tactically break down the single greatest way for a real estate estate agent to market themselves in 2017.

We all understand that it’s essential to build our brands and demonstrate a point of difference in a crowded marketplace.

The strategy I am going to break down for you today will help you grow your brand and create tremendous goodwill in your local marketplace. Read more

Real Estate Facebook Custom Audiences

Facebook Custom Audiences are one of the most effective ways to advertise to your ideal clients on Facebook. They are very cost effective and allow you to deliver a specific message to those people who are most likely to do business with you.

What is a Facebook Custom Audience?

Facebook Custom Audience’s allow you to upload a specific audience of people to run ads to.

For example you can create a custom audience of email addresses from your database, retarget people that have visited your website or even people that have engaged with something that you have posted on Facebook.

This gives you an incredible amount of power to reach your ideal target clients on a platform that you might not have been able to previously.

People that are on your database, visited your website or engaged with you on social media are clearly interested in yourself and your business.

Being able to display an ad in front of this person is a massive advantage to your marketing. Read more

Real Estate Agents Facebook Ads

By now you’ve probably heard other agents talking about how they are using Facebook ads to generate leads and grow their brand in the local area.

Facebook ads can be very effective when you know how to correctly set up and run a targeted campaign to attract your ideal clients in your local area.

After you’ve set up your first successful campaign it is pretty easy to rinse and repeat the process.

The problem a lot of agents have is setting up a winning Facebook ad. While it is relatively straight forward to get up and running there are a few key areas that need to be addressed in order to get the best results from your advertising budget.

In this post we dive deep into how to construct a successful Facebook ad for real estate.

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Do you include high quality images in some or all of your social media updates? How about your blog posts?

Coloured visuals greatly increase the willingness of somebody to read and interact with your content.

Visual content obviously makes sense with social media networks like Pinterest and Instagram, but it actually works just as well in Facebook and LinkedIn.

Did you know that Facebook advertisers get 65% more engagement from their target audience with visual content?

To put it simply if you are producing content whether its posts for social media or articles on your website they better have visually appealing content.

The problem with producing content with great images is that it can be difficult to create your own high quality images all the time. Read more

Instagram marketing for real estate agents

As a Real Estate Agent Instagram is a great way to connect and engage with the people in your local area. With over 300 million monthly users and over 2.5 billion likes daily there is a huge amount of your audience out there actively using the social platform.

If you aren’t already using Instagram it might be time to sign up for an account

I have put together eight tips to take your Instagram marketing to the next level. Read more

agent websites

One of the most common things I hear is.

“Kyran your websites look great, but how do I actually make them work so that I am generating leads and listings from the internet?”

So today I am going to share a strategy with you that is extremely easy to do and can bring in a boatload of new customers… Read more

How to get more uses from your real estate content

It’s no secret that content is commodity of the internet and that if you want to stand out online you need to be producing and distributing content across multiple platforms.

Finding time to sit down and create outstanding content can be difficult. That’s why it is essential to get the most bang for your buck when you create something.

I have created this infographic to show you seven ways to use one piece of content. Read more

Greatest Real Estate Agent Tool


Creating content to post on Social Media can be difficult. But we all know how necessary it is to be active on social media and in promoting yourself online.

Chances are you have probably shared an article before, but the problem with sharing other peoples content is that you aren’t building your brand and  generating leads from the traffic as it is going to someone else’s website. Read more

using video in your marketing

Most Real Estate Agents are aware now that video works and is a really powerful marketing tool. Whether it be agent profiles, community videos, testimonials or listing videos your customers want to have the option to watch. 

People connect with video, they are more engaged by it and love to share it. Read more