Entries by Kyran Doyle

8 Ways To Use Real Estate Video To Build Your Brand

It’s no secret that the popularity of video on the internet is increasing. If you’ve looked at Facebook anytime in the last year you would notice that the news feed is dominated with video. The reason behind this is simple. People want to watch video and many prefer watching video over reading text. Video is a […]

Real Estate Website Launch Plan

So you’ve got a website or are in the process of getting one. Congratulations on taking a massive step in your career and in setting up your marketing for success. A website will become the single most important factor in your branding and marketing moving forward. Now that you have your shiny new website you’re […]

The Best Real Estate Marketing Strategy For 2017

I give a lot of advice on this blog but todays article is going to tactically break down the single greatest way for a real estate estate agent to market themselves in 2017. We all understand that it’s essential to build our brands and demonstrate a point of difference in a crowded marketplace. The strategy […]

10 Ways To Make Your Real Estate Content Visually Appealing

Do you include high quality images in some or all of your social media updates? How about your blog posts? Coloured visuals greatly increase the willingness of somebody to read and interact with your content. Visual content obviously makes sense with social media networks like Pinterest and Instagram, but it actually works just as well […]