
How To Use A Personal Website To Get More Leads (And Even A Free Coffee)

agent websites

One of the most common things I hear is.

“Kyran your websites look great, but how do I actually make them work so that I am generating leads and listings from the internet?”

So today I am going to share a strategy with you that is extremely easy to do and can bring in a boatload of new customers…

You might even get a free coffee out of it.

It’s called the coffee shop formula.

But before we dive into the strategy lets take a step back and talk about the aim of a personal website. A personal website is designed to display your professionalism and expertise as a local Real Estate Agent in the online world.

That means your website needs to not only look great but it should also provide valuable information about the about real estate and the local community.

Without a doubt the best way to demonstrate your knowledge online is through a blog.

A blog allows you to post information and updates that can be seen and shared online. A blog allows you to have new and fresh content on your website which will attract visitors to your site and help with your search engine rankings.

For more ideas on things to blog about check out this – 202 blog post ideas.

So as you’ve probably realised this strategy is going to involve blogging.

Back to the strategy…

The Coffee Shop Formula.

So now we get to the good part…

The part where you can get a free coffee ;)

So keeping in mind that your ideal clients are people in the local area and they want to engage with content online that is relevant to them.

So we are going to need to create some content about the local community.

Now you could go out and create a 400-800 word article  and publish that and it would be great.

The downside to this is that it is time consuming and you need to have your creative hat on to come up with great content that people are actually going to read.

What if there was an easier way to get great, interesting content?

I’m talking about interviews…

So lets say that you go down to the local coffee shop and ask to speak to the owner.

You’d introduce yourself and tell them that you would like to feature them and their local business on your website that is based on the local community.

So you would sit down with them over a coffee and just ask them a few questions about their business. (Try to find out some interesting information that people wouldn’t already know)

If you are struggling to come up with questions here are some good ones to start with:

  • Tell me about your background?
  • Why did you get into XYZ business?
  • How long have you been in business for?
  • What’s your favourite thing about this area?
  • Whats your speciality?
  • Why do people come to your XYZ shop over others?

You want to talk about the things that make them unique and different to make the interview more interesting.

Record the whole interview on your phone so you can get it typed out later.

Make sure to also take some photo’s of the shop/business and the owner that you can put in the post as well.

These pictures are also going to be great on social.

After you have got enough information thank the owner and tell them that you’ll let them know when the feature is published.

Post Production

Type the interview up and make it look nice by adding the pictures of the business owner and their shop.

You could even consider videoing parts of or the whole interview and posting the video in the article too.

Publishing and Promotion

This is where the magic happens, and is undoubtedly the most important part of the whole process…

When you have published the post, share it on your social media accounts.

Then go back to the local business owner and show them the article live on your website.

They will be excited at the fact that their business is being promoted (and you’ll probably get a free coffee.)

Then all you have to do is ask the coffee shop owner to share the article on his social media accounts.

You now have all the friends of the business owner coming to your website to read the article.

On your website you have call to actions to contact you and request an appraisal etc.

The beauty of this strategy is it doesn’t have to be just coffee shops.

You can interview any number of local businesses and rinse and repeat this process, getting the local business owner to promote yourself.

Imagine if you interviewed one local business a week and had them share you on their Facebook page.

Do you think it would be possible to start generating leads this way?

Obviously the key to make this whole strategy is having a personal website with a built in blog.

Our websites all come with built in blogs that you can get started blogging with straight away.


get your personal website yellow

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