Tag Archive for: branding

Do you know what separates the top 1% of agents from the rest? Is it that they work harder? Are great marketers or salesmen? These are all important factors but the main difference is that they have a much bigger personal brand.

A strong and well known personal brand is the prerequisite for becoming a successful real estate agent.

To put it simply, the more people that know, like and trust you. The more leads you’ll get and the more listings you’ll win. Read more

real estate agents personal branding

As a real estate agent your brand is your livelihood.

Personal Branding is about identifying and communicating what makes you unique, relevant and important to your target audience.

If you understand your values, passions and strengths you can leverage this information to separate yourself from your competitors and create a brand that really stands out.

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whats your brand

Traditionally in Real Estate the most well known agent in the area is the one that has been operating there for the longest time. This is all changing now.

Being different and standing out from the crowd of agents around you can get you known in the community faster than ever before. Read more

Instagram marketing for real estate agents

As a Real Estate Agent Instagram is a great way to connect and engage with the people in your local area. With over 300 million monthly users and over 2.5 billion likes daily there is a huge amount of your audience out there actively using the social platform.

If you aren’t already using Instagram it might be time to sign up for an account

I have put together eight tips to take your Instagram marketing to the next level. Read more