Tag Archive for: video

Real Estate Video Marketing Tips

It’s no secret that the popularity of video on the internet is increasing. If you’ve looked at Facebook anytime in the last year you would notice that the news feed is dominated with video.

The reason behind this is simple.

People want to watch video and many prefer watching video over reading text.

Video is a great way to drive your brand awareness in the marketplace and generate interaction from your ideal clients.

When I say video I’m not just talking about property videos and market updates. While these types of videos are great there are a ton of other options you have to create exciting and engaging videos that will bring exposure for your brand as an agent.

In this article we will break down the best ways to use video in your marketing.

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Videos are a great way to connect with your audience and share your expertise. More and more real estate agents are using the power of video to help build their brand in the local area.

In general most people would rather watch a movie than read the book that it’s based on.

Videos attract more attention than regular text or images. Especially online.

Producing regular video content that is entertaining and informative is a great way to engage your ideal clients and become the local expert.

The problem is that video is typically expensive and difficult to create. Read more

using video in your marketing

Most Real Estate Agents are aware now that video works and is a really powerful marketing tool. Whether it be agent profiles, community videos, testimonials or listing videos your customers want to have the option to watch. 

People connect with video, they are more engaged by it and love to share it. Read more