5 Tips To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Work For You

Linked in profile


Chances are you probably have a LinkedIn account, but how many leads are you actually getting from it?

In this article we are going to show you the best ways to increase your LinkedIn profile’s effectiveness and boost your personal brand on the Social Media Platform.

5 Tips To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Work For You


1. Complete Your Profile

Your profile is the most important part of your LinkedIn marketing efforts. Your profile is the where you are going to generate the majority of your leads and connections from LinkedIn. While not having a completed LinkedIn Profile makes you look less professional it also effects the amount of exposure that  your profile will receive.

In fact…

Users with complete profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn.

There is definitely a direct correlation between how complete your profile is and higher search rankings in LinkedIn search results. So yes, having a completed profile is a MUST!

real estate linkedin profile strength


Here is LinkedIn’s definition of a 100% Complete Profile:

— Your industry and location

— An up-to-date current position (with a description)

— Two past positions

— Your education

— Your skills (minimum of 3)

— A profile photo

— At least 50 connections


2. Your Profile Image

This needs to be a headshot where you are looking straight at the camera. LinkedIn is a social network of professionals so make sure that you use a professionally taken photo as your image. This means no selfies or other low grade pictures that  you may see on other social sites like Facebook or Instagram.


3. Connect With Everyone

Your first goal when starting a LinkedIn should be to get connected with your first 500 people. After you have reached 500 then LinkedIn stops counting new connections on your profile. This doesn’t mean that you are limited to 500 connections, it just means that visitors to your profile are shown “500+ connections” and only you know the real number since it appears on your linked in homepage.

500+ linkedin connections

To some of you this number may seem ridiculously high. But if you are an active networker, which as Real Estate Agents we all are (or at least should be) then this number can be achieved in a fairly short period of time.

Now why is this number so important?

The reason why a large number of connections are important is because connections are the key to finding new people on LinkedIn. When people search LinkedIn, the results are, by default, sorted by “Relevance”

Relevance sorts by the following criteria:

  • 1st level connections with profiles that are 100% complete (or close to it) and have the most in-common connections / shared groups, ranked in descending order
  • 1st level connections with the fewest in-common connections / shared groups, ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • 2nd level connections ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • 3nd level connections ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • Shared group members (outside of your network), ranked in descending order by profile completeness
  • Everyone else (those outside your network), ranked in descending order by profile completeness

Read more about “Relevance” in this article.

So this means that if you want to generate more leads from LinkedIn search, the more connections that you have the more opportunities you have to be found by people searching for a Real Estate Agent.


4. Be Compelling

LinkedIn is a network of professionals but that doesn’t mean that your profile can be boring. If you want to stand out from other Agents on LinkedIn you need to showcase your personality and compelling attributes. Add an interesting story into your summary, or have a video recommendation show up in the first few seconds, or at least show people exactly who you are, who you help and how you help them.

linkedin for real estate agents


5. Add a Call to Action

It astounds me how many peoples LinkedIn profiles don’t have a clear call to action. If you want somebody reading your LinkedIn Profile to take the next step in the relationship process than you need to instruct them on what they need to do.

What actions might you want people to take?

  • Call me
  • Email Me
  • Send a connection request
  • Go to my Website
  • Watch a video

You LinkedIn profile should have multiple call to actions to warm your prospects up to the point that they contact you.

The best places in your profile to include Call to Actions are

  • Headline
  • Summary
  • Websites

Have questions? Comments? Let’s talk below!


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